NEW: 131. ..e la magia dell'estate continua “ It's IZZY the ICE-CREAM fairy time!”Activities ideas!


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Izzy the Ice-Cream Fairy ! LOVELY!!!

is an amazing story book from Tim Bugbird

with fantastic illustrations by Lara Ede.

Izzy and her friends run a magical ice-cream stall on the beach, until one day they discover that theirice-cream well has run dry. Join the fairy friends as they travel to a new land in search of more delicious ice cream, and find out if they will make it home in time to enter their favorite carnival.
Beautiful illustrations and funny, rhyming textmakes this story a delight to read with one childor with a group.
Brilliant new fairy storybook that will delight children and adults
Charmingillustrationsand wonderful, rhyming text combine to make this super cute story

Questo golosissimo libro si presta

a numerose attivitą in bilingual inglese e italiano

Activities ideas!

There are so many ways to use this book

to enhance speech and language!

Izzy the ice cream fairy sintesi testo inglese ed activities  biligual.pdf
Izzy the ice cream fairy.pdf
Racconto e activities con Izzy the ice cream fairy.pdf